του Χρίστου Γεωργούση Η ιστορία σου και η ιστορία μου και ο χείμαρρος του πανδαμάτορα χρόνου που μας αποσαθρώνει σε άμμο. Προσευχές του Αρχίλοχου και λόγια αγάπης σβησμένα στο μάρμαρο απ’ τα πατήματα των παιδιών. Πέτρες της δόξας σκαλοπάτια στις αυλές των σχολείων, εξαρτήματα ξερολιθιάς, βότσαλα στα χωράφια και τις παραλίες, σώματα στους τοίχους και […]
Honorary event
The Friends of Paros organized a honorary event for one of the most loved contemporary Greek writers, Mrs. Alki Zei. On the 3rd of July 2014, within the premises of Paroikia’s public Library, her new book was presented, an autobiography filled with personal souvenirs. For Alki Zei, life is literature and literature is life. With a deep perspective […]
4th Artistic Journey in Paros
For visiting the Parian artists’ workshops, do not hesitate to contact them about their opening hours.
“Today’s Hopes” – “Les Espoirs Aujourd’hui” – 4 August 2014
The Annual Event of FoP took place on 4.8.2014 in the Christou Square in Marpissa and included a concert (“The Tango Project”) and the awarding of distinction to young Parians who promote sports and cultural activities through voluntary organisations – See brochure for full details
Archilochos at the presentation of the Observatory
The introductory address of the representative of the cultural association “Archilochos”, Ramona Ghika and Yorgos Yemeliaris, at the presentation of the Environmental Observatory of Paros on 25 July 2014 in Parikia The Association of Archilohos welcomes tonight’s meeting, Archilohos has put ecological matters as a basic priority since its founding in 1975. The environmental observatory […]
Presentation of the Environmental Observatory of Paros: 25.7.2014
A successful event to explain the aims and working of the Environmental Observatory of Paros and how it can contribute to the protection of the environment and the Cycladic character of Paros and Antiparos. Presentation of the Environmental Observatory of Paros: 25.7.2014 The Environmental Observatory of Paros has been set up as a joint initiative […]
Alki Zei in Paros
On 3 July 2014 the Friends of Paros co-organised an event with the well known author Alki Zei. Alki Zei in Paros On 3rd July, the well known author Alki Zei presented her latest book (last year’s best seller) “With a pencil Faber no2” at an event organised by the FoP with the support of […]
Piano recital in support of Paros children
On 22 May 2014 an important solidarity piano concert took place in Brussels, under the auspices of the Greek Embassy, for the benefit of the children of Paros.
Editorial – Bulletin No. 8 (En)
Dear Friends The newly elected municipal authorities will be taking office in the near future. We welcome them and wish them every success. The overall objective of the Friends of Paros is the preservation of the unique Cycladic character of the island and the further development of the island in a way that is compatible […]
How the derelict Agrokipio could evolve into a botanic garden
How the derelict Agrokipio could evolve into a botanic garden The Agrokipio (agricultural garden) of Parikia used to be the pillar of the island’s agricultural economy before the advent of mass tourism in the 1980s. For long in a state of dereliction, it has recently attracted attention as part of a new and growing tendency […]
Protest against limiting public access to the seaside
The FoP have posted a letter on the website of the Ministry of Economy protesting strongly against draft legislation that will limit public access to the sections of the seaside as part of large scale tourism developments.
75 photo books of Paros
Well-known Paros-based photographer is looking for sponsors to realise the presentation of 75 photo books with more than 65.000 photos (more than 7 years work) on Paros. More than 65.000 photos of Paros collected in 75 books. Unique photo project about the Greek island Paros Looking for sponsors to realize the presentation of 75 photo […]
Καλλιτεχνικό Οδοιπορικό στην Πάρο / Open Studios 2014
Για τρίτη χρονιά οι ΦτΠ συνδιοργανώνουν με την ΚΔΕΠΑΠ το “Καλλιτεχνικό Οδοιπορικό” που δίνει την ευκαιρία σε όλους να επισκεφτούν τους καλλιτέχνες της Πάρου στα ατελιέ τους. ~~~~~ For third year running the FoP are co-organising with KDEPAP the “Artistic Journey in Paros” which gives the opportunity to everyone to visit the Paros-based artists in […]
“Skopas and His World”
Τhe Institute of Archaeology of Paros and the Cyclades (ΙΑPΚ), announced the publication of the proceedings volume of the Third International Conference on the Archaeology of Paros and the Cyclades held in Paroikia of Paros from 11-14 June, 2010, entitled Ο Σκόπας και ο Κόσμος του – Skopas and His World and edited by the […]
PAROS, one whole story
A new and very interesting mini-guide has been prepared by the Municipality and KDEPAP in cooperation with the FoP. It covers archaeological sites/archaeological museum and churches/monuments. The texts are by the archaeologist Yannos Kourayos. The FoP have taken care of the translations into English, French and Italian.
Giant wind turbines in 8 locations in Paros!
A recent ministerial decision has cleared the way for the installation of 95 wind turbines on Paros and three other islands and their connection to the mainland. The new wind turbines are enormous and totally out of character with the Cycladic islands: 100 m height, 70 m rotor diameter, and generally three times bigger than […]
Tourism survey: the winner of the draw
Visitors to Paros who participated in FoP’s tourism survey in 2012 were invited to enter a draw for a free holiday in Paros in 2013. The winners were Ms Loida Karatza and Mr Giorgos Laganis. Free accommodation has kindly been offered by “MARGARITA’S STUDIOS” and free tickets by Blue Star Ferries. There will be a […]
Tourism Survey 2013: The results show the importance of preserving the Cycladic character of the island
For a second year in a row the Friends of Paros carried out, with their own voluntary work and expenses, a survey of visitors to Paros in an effort to contribute to the development of quality tourism and the lengthening of the tourist period. This year’s survey was carried out from June to October 2013 […]
Tourism Survey 2013
In the summer of 2012 the Friends of Paros carried out a survey of visitors to Paros in an effort to contribute to the development of quality tourism and the lengthening of the tourist period. A total of 135 questionnaires were obtained and analysed. The results of this survey were presented at a meeting of […]
Κλήρωση Δωρεάν διακοπές στην πάρο για όσους πήραν μέρος στην έρευνα / Free holiday in Paros for the winner from those who participated in the survey
Στις 29.04.2013, στο γραφείο του Δημάρχου Πάρου πραγματοποιήθηκε συνάντηση των “Φίλων της Πάρου” με τον Δήμαρχο Πάρου , με σκοπό την διενέργεια κλήρωσης για μια δωρεάν διαμονή στο νησί μας, για ένα τυχερό από αυτούς που συμμετείχαν στην Έρευνα Τουρισμού που έγινε το Καλοκαίρι του 2012. Στην συνάντηση συμμετείχαν και η πρόεδρος της Επιτροπής τουριστικής […]