The FoPA is in favour of the development of the current airport of Paros and Antiparos. The buildings that welcome visitors are wholly unsuitable and insufficient.
Despotiko 2021
Despite the difficult conditions due to the pandemic, the Despotiko excavation and restoration project took place this year. Its realization would not have been possible without the kind sponsorships of AIGEAS AMKE (Thanasis & Marina Martinos), P&A Kanellopoulou Foundation, A.G. Leventis Foundation, Municipality of Antiparos, College Year Athens, Lamda Development, Marion Stasinopoulos and more. For yet another year, the moral and material support of the “Friends of Paros” Association was invalua
17 August- Save the Date ! Members’ online meeting
Διαδικτυακή ενημερωτική συνάντηση του συλλόγου στις 17 Αυγούστου, στις 18:55 / /
Virtual information meeting of the association on August 17th, at 18:55 / /
Réunion d’information virtuelle de l’association, le 17 Août à 18:55
18 Août- Exposition d’art: Paros, Dream & Reality
Notre amie et membre Francoise Kron a le plaisir de vous présenter une nouvelle exposition de l’artiste Lefty Reeve, le 18 aout de 18h à 23h. / /
Our friend and member Francoise Kron is pleased to present a new exhibition of the artist Lefty Reeve, on August 18th, from 6 pm to 11 pm
18 August- Concert Franco Ambrosetti Quartet
Franco Ambrosetti, trumpet and flugelhorn player, helped shape European jazz history and likes to be described as the “grandmaster of Swiss hardbop”.
We are so fortunate, as he will be celebrating his 80th birthday with a concert in Naoussa at the stairs of Panagia church on top of Naoussa.
Το Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο / The Board of Directors / Le Conseil d’administration
Το Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο των Φίλων Πάρου και Αντιπάρου, μετά από διαβούλευση των μελών στις 4ης Αυγούστου. / /
The Board of Directors of the Friends of Paros and Antiparos, following the consultation of the members of August 4. / /
Le Conseil d’administration des Amis de Paros et Antiparos, suite à la consultation des adhérents du 4 aout.
The Bulletin Issue 22 – 2021
The 2021 edition of our Bulletin is now published.
Discover interesting articles, as usual ! / /
Κυκλοφορεί τώρα η έκδοση του Bulletin μας του 2021.
Ανακαλύψτε ενδιαφέρον άρθρα, ως συνήθως ! / /
L’édition 2021 de notre Bulletin est maintenant publiée.
Découvrez des articles interessants, comme d’habitude !
Dear Friends
The current pandemic upsets our lives and requires a great effort from all of us to cope with it. The Friends of Paros and Antiparos wish you good health and good luck once again. This health crisis has forced us to change our program for 2019/2020. While some activities have gone well with success as […]
Ημερολόγιο | Calendar | Calendrier Copy
Notez les Dates des Activité à venir des AdP | Σημειώστε τις ημερομηνίες των επερχόμενvn Δραστηριοτήτων των ΦτΠ | Save the Dates of the Upcoming Activities of the FofP
PETER farewell
Dear friends of Peter
Sorry – it took some time to write this.
Above all, because we could not fully believe it. And still do not really understand it. Peter was much too alive to die. But he did – at least as alive as possible. He died on April 23, 2021, clear-headed, aware of his situation, without complaint at three o’clock in the morning at the Health Center in Paros.
Visit to ancient quarries & discussion on 3.7.2021
On Saturday, July 3, at 11.30 am we are organising an introductory meeting of the “Circle of the Ancient Quarries”, which will be preceded at 9.00 am by an optional visit to the ancient quarries. Find the programme and sign-up!
Friends of Paros: “the new Archaeological and Cultural Park in Marathi can start operating in 2022”
It’s three months since the well-attended online meeting organized by the Friends of Paros and Antiparos to rescue and promote the ancient marble quarries, and many small steps have already been taken in this direction.
Follow-up of Paros Airport Extension
The project to transform Paros airport into an international airport seems to be taking shape and recently received the latest approval from the titular minister.
Are seaplanes the solution?
Among the many points of view that are heard for and against the expansion of Paros airport, several people see this expansion as a condition for a better offer of transport serving the island and others consider that it leads inevitably to a reckless kind of “development” and to the destruction of the Cycladic character of the island. The recent plan to create a network of hydroports and 30 seaplane water landing strips in the southern Aegean Sea and 150 across the country has been heralded as a godsend.
The future of the ancient quarries of Paros
We all can contribute! Ελληνικά
The results of the online information meeting
On Tuesday March 16th, the “Friends of Paros and Antiparos” organised an online information meeting on “The protection and promotion of the ancient quarries of Paros and the relevant experiences from other parts of Greece”
An opinion on the Paros airport extension project
We received this text following the publication and diffusion of two relevant texts of the Friends of Paros and Antiparos. We asked our friend, given the length of his text, to make a summary of it in order to feed the public debate, given its qualities. We believe that this public debate is necessary to inform the society of Paros and Antiparos on the issues. It is also necessary for decision-making.
Communication from the FoPA concerning the new airport following statements by the Mayor of Paros, Mr Koveos and the leader of the opposition K. Rokonidas
This project will probably significantly impact the island, its environment, economic and social development, and its physiognomy. Its importance requires the sharing of complete information.
Final sprint for the new airport | Statements by Kovaios and Rokonidas
An article of “Foni tis Parou” where the mayor of Paros, M. Kovaios, intervenes in the consultation initiated by the “Friends of Paros” on the issue of the airport’s expansion.
Paros-Antiparos airport: the challenges
The local authorities of Paros-Antiparos recently announced major works to extend the airstrip