The FoPA plan to host a discussion on waste management on our island. George Papanikolaou has written an article to start the discussion.
Notes about the new airport
The construction is currently in progress, with anticipated completion by the summer season of 2025. There are concerns that the project’s justification as a ‘safety’ measure may not align with EC funding regulations.
Call for annual membership subscription
The Friends of Paros and Antiparos rely on yearly membership contributions to sustain our operations.
Strategies for Sustainability in Paros
Extracts from the conference of May 5th and 6th 2023.
Monuments of nature and Human-made monuments
We admire them, list them, number them, compare them, photograph them, assess them, and, of late, we fight to prevent them from disappearing
Annual General Assembly 2023
By videoconference, on Saturday August 26 at 18:00
Paros: citizens wake up
The citizens of Paros have begun to take action against the illegal occupation of beaches by contractors who place beach beds beyond the limits stipulated in their contracts or even completely illegally, without any contract.
Support for the Ancient Marble Quarries
Joint Appeal for Financial Support for the Installation of Information Boards in the Ancient Marble Quarries
Your participation in our association is the heart and soul of our existence.
Allow us to emphasise the profound impact that your yearly memberships, running from every September to the following August, have on our ability to accomplish our mission.
Where we are, where we are going
An uncontrolled development left to only private initiative
Boosted by its attractiveness to tourists, Paros has, over the previous decades, witnessed an accelerated, disorderly, development, which has led, of course, to a significant increase in the income of society, but at the expense of the overexploitation of its resources, the degradation of its environment and the weakening of its identity.
3 wheelchairs for our health centre: Success‼
The Friends of Paros & Antiparos members have once again generously supported our Health Center.
The Ancient Quarries of Paros: Glory, Neglect and Hope
Historically, Paros was known for its fine white marble and, today, abandoned marble quarries can be found in abundance on the island.
Paros Photography Group interview
The Paros Photography Group started its journey from a small group of amateur photographers, which over time developed and today has more than 25 active members.
Days and Islands (Ημέρες και νησιά)
We cannot count the days since we came to the island of Paros forty-five years ago in 1977 after three months of island-hopping
Paros the Lovely, a tribute to Paros as it was
Another exhibition at Holland Tunnel Gallery last summer, another great contribution to Parian cultural life. Curated by Paulien Lethen, the gallery director aimed to show life in Paros as it used to be. The life that Paulien witnessed when she lived with her young family in Paros from 1968 until 1982. She describes her experience […]
Εκδήλωση για τα Αρχαία Λατομεία
Οι προσπάθειες για την προστασία και ανάδειξη των Αρχαίων Λατομείων μαρμάρου συνεχίζονται. Την Τρίτη 12/7/2022 στις 8:00 μμ, στο προαύλιο του πρώην Δημοτικού σχολείου στο Μαράθι, θα έχετε την ευκαιρία να ενημερωθείτε για τις δράσεις που έχουν δρομολογηθεί και να ανταλλάξετε απόψεις για τη στρατηγική για να εξελιχθεί ο αρχαιολογικός χώρος σε ένα αρχαιολογικό-πολιτιστικό πάρκο.
Ancient Quarries Event
The efforts to protect and promote the Ancient Marble Quarries continues. On Tuesday 12/7/2022 at 20:00, in the courtyard of the former Primary School in Marathi, you will have the opportunity to hear about the actions that have been launched and to exchange views on the strategy to create an archaeological and cultural park and achieve the recognition of the unique monument of the ancient quarries as a World Heritage site.
The stone arched bridges of Paros
Let’s travel to the countryside of Paros, to walk on old forgotten paths, to discover the old stone bridges, to relive with our imagination the not-so-distant times when these roads were full of life
The Fluxus Museum, Paros
Fluxus was the first group of artists in history to put public participation at the heart of their activity. It was also the first art group to be truly international and diverse. Fluxus changed contemporary art by putting participation ahead of self-expression.
Where are we now?
As we approach the summer period, which is rich in events and activities, it seems useful to look back at the last two years to recall the content and meaning of our activity as a citizen association.