The annual event of the Friends of Paros association takes place every August in Paros. It is both a celebration and an opportunity for the members of the association, coming from across Greece and abroad, as well as all Parians, to get together, exchange views and work together to address the issues facing our island […]
Editorial – Issue 03
The period 2009-10 was a busy time for the FoP. Amongst other activities we supported local voluntary organisations: a joint event with AMEAI, the centre for people with special needs; and, a fund raising evening in favour of ALKYONI. For the eighth year running we organised the annual event of FoP in which, this year, […]
Public debate with mayoral candidates
The FoP have actively promoted since the Spring of 2010 the idea of a public debate between all mayoral candidates in the local elections of November 2010 and representatives of the local associations, based on common questions agreed between the associations. They have closely consulted several local associations seeking to arrive at a common set […]
Ερωτήματα για τη δημόσια συζήτηση με τους υποψηφίους Δημάρχους Πάρου
Έχοντας λάβει υπ’ όψη της τις απόψεις των άλλων συλλόγων που συνέβαλαν στη διαδικασία προετοιμασίας της δημόσιας συζήτησης που προτάθηκε από τους ΦτΠ (βλ. σελ. 1), η οργάνωση μας δημοσίευσε στα τέλη Σεπτεμβρίου τα παρακάτω ερωτήματα που τα θεωρεί ως τα πιό σημαντικά για συζήτηση των συλλόγων με τους υποψηφίους Δημάρχους και πάνω στα οποία […]
“Parian Evening” in support of Alkyoni
Τhe FoP and their guests spent a very pleasant evening at the fund raising event they organised on 7 August 2010 for ALKYONI, the Association for the Care and Protection of Wild Birds, based in Kamares. They were entertained at the beautiful gardens of the Swiss Home Hotel with delicious Greek food, Parian wine and […]
The Annual Event and Award Ceremony of FoP
Τhe annual event of the Friends of Paros has taken place every year since 2003. It is both a celebration and an opportunity for the members of the organisation and their guests to get together and exchange views on major issues facing our island. As part of the annual event, the FoP recognise and promote […]
The FoP honour the young farmers of Paros
This year’s annual event of FoP took place on 19.8.2010 at the AGROKIPIO (agricultural garden of Paroikia) in cooperation with the Municipality of Paros and was sponsored by the Paros branch of ALPHA BANK. It was devoted to the young farmers of Paros in recognition of the significance of their activities for the balanced development […]
Spatial Plan for Paros / Γενικό Πολεοδομικό Σχέδιο Πάρου – 27.8.2010
Letter from the FoP and the the local committee of the Hellenic Society for the Protection of the Environment and Culture, to the Secretary-General of the Southern Aegen Region. In this letter the FoP and the Hellenic Society call for the speedy adoption and implementation of the “General Town Plan” for the island of Paros. The letter is […]
Annual Event 2010
The Annual Event of FoP for 2010 took place on 19.8.2010 at AGROKIPIO (the agricultural garden of Paroikia) and was devoted to the young farmers of Paros. For the 8th year running the Friends of Paros held their annual event in Paros. This year it was organised on 19 August 2010 at the AGROKIPIO (agricultural […]
“Parian Evening” in support of Alkyoni – 07.08.2010
Fund raising event organised by the Friends of Paros on 7 August 2010 in support of Alkyoni. Τhe Friends of Paros and their guests spent a very pleasant evening at the fund raising event they organised for ALKYONI, the Association for the Care and Protection of Wild Birds, based in Kamares. They were entertained at […]
Editorial – Issue 02
The FoP have been active throughout the winter and spring, working closely with other local associations on cultural and environmental issues of major importance to Paros. We have also accorded a high priority to supporting local initiatives and organisations who contribute towards maintaining the character of Paros and achieving a balanced development. Last December we […]
Local farming and agricultural landscapes: a key to the special character of Paros
Visitors and local residents alike admire familiar features of the landscape of Paros, such as its simple but elegant terraces (pezoules), or discover hidden treasures, such as the olive groves of Lefkes with their breathtaking views (see recent photos taken by our members). These beautiful agricultural landscapes are a key ingredient of the beauty and […]
Ανάπτυξη, τουρισμός και αυτοκίνητο
Από τη δημιουργία μας αλλά μέχρι και σήμερα, στόχος των Φίλων της Πάρου ήταν η προστασία των οικισμών από τη διαρκή επέκταση του αυτοκινήτου αλλά και των μοτοσικλετών. Σε όλα τα προγράμματα εργασίας που, χρόνο με χρόνο, έχουν εκπονηθεί και δημοσιευθεί στην ιστοσελίδα των Φίλων της Πάρου, μπορούμε να διαβάσουμε προτάσεις γιά “τον περιορισμό των […]
Demain, il sera trop tard
Les Amis de Paros ont multiplié les avertissements auprès de diverses autorités au sujet du danger de destruction encouru par le monument érigé au cap Delphini en mémoire du naufrage d’un vaisseau de guerre français, le Superbe, en 1833. L’histoire de ce bateau et du naufrage a été publiée en anglais dans le numéro 118 […]
Αυθαίρετη διάνοιξη δρόμων
Δρόμος που μέχρι πριν μερικούς μήνες ήταν ένα στενό αγροτικό μονοπάτι για πεζούς και ζώα γεμάτο φίδες και θάμνους. Ξαφνικά ένα Σάββατο πρωΐ του Αυγούστου έγινε καθαρισμός, διαπλάτυνση και διάνοιξη με μετακίνηση πεζουλιών (χωρίς την έγκριση των οικοπεδούχων) και προδευτική μετατροπή σε δρόμο για οχήματα. Σημειωτέον ότι η Δημοτική Αστυνομία δεν εργάζεται τα Σάββατα, ενώ […]
A love story with Paros
After the Second World War, Francis Depireux, with a law degree in hand, decided to join a Belgian company that traded tropical wood. The company had large plantations in what was then called the Belgian Congo. Francis was sent to the colony to supervise and manage the business there. Francis was a hard working young […]
ΑΜΕΑΙ and FoP Event
Event organised by AMEAI and FoP on services for people with special needs On the occasion of the World Day for People with Special Needs, the AMEAI (Centre for People with Special Needs-Capabilities) and the Friends of Paros co-organised an event at Nireas, Naoussa. The main speaker was Nicandros Bouras, Professor of Psychiatry at King’s College, […]
General Assembly 2009
Summary of the report of FoP activities in 2008-09, which was presented and discussed at the Annual General Assembly of FoP held on 17.08.09 at Moraitis Winery, Naoussa. * Contacts with local, national and EU authorities on matters of concern to the island in the sectors of environment, culture and information. * Fact finding […]
Ετήσια εκδήλωση 2009 / Annual Event 2009
The 2009 Annual Event of FoP took place on 10 August 2009 at the Hotel Swiss Home in Naoussa with great success and more than 200 participants. It was devoted to the voluntary movement of Paros and the following organisations were awarded distinctions: Blood Donors Association; Association for People with Special Needs and Capabilities, AMEAI; […]
Annual Event 2008
The 2008 Annual Event of FoP took place on 20 August 2008 at Lefkes Village Hotel. Eleven local museums and collections were awarded distinction for their contribution towards preserving the cultural heritage of Paros and promoting a high quality of development for the island.