Our General Assembly met to analyse the results for 2019/2020, (see 2019-2020: a proposal for an evaluation and some perspectives)
The report was approved after discussion and concerned a very high number of initiatives taken (seminars, positions taken on essential issues for the two islands, publications, financial support, especially for the Despotiko site, regular activities on social networks) despite the pandemic which slowed down our face-to-face activities on the island.
In September 2020, we continued to publish positions on the antique marble quarries, on waste management and recycling, and wind turbines and renewable energies.
From a financial standpoint, despite the end of face-to-face activities, we had gathered the support of 115 members in good standing. Also, two fundraising calls intended to fund actions in the health sector, raised around 4,000 euros, bringing the total funds raised to some 8,500 euros, not to mention the more considerable funds entrusted to us to support the activity of renovating the archaeological site of Despotiko.
The following activities are planned for the rest of 2020/2021:
- Holding of a seminar on waste management,
- Continuation of our activities relating to the antic marble quarries
- Holding of a workshop on health in Paros and Antiparos bringing together representatives of the private and public health system,
- Holding of theatrical workshops by Petros Sevastikoglou
- Organization of a presentation seminar by Michel Volkovitch of the books in French by Ilya Papadimitrakopoulos,
- Organization of the auction, concerning a new cultural player on the island
- Holding of our annual ceremony in honour of Rémy Le Fur etc.,
- Writing of a reflection paper on the establishment of large-scale tourist complexes.
- Publication of the Bulletin
- Launch of a collection of books on Paros and Antiparos
All of these activities can, of course, be called into question by the continuation or even the intensification of the pandemic, but we will try to stay the course. All of these activities require the support of our members. As a reminder, our budget year begins in September 2020 and ends at the end of August 2021.
Georges Vlandas, Tassos Zacharas, Nicolas Stéphanou, Marousso Bourra
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