- We currently have 152 members in good standing.
The average contribution is € 45. This average is on the rise. We can do better.
Once again, it is worth emphasizing the importance of receiving the contributions at the beginning of the school year – the budget year of the FoP goes from 1 September to 31 August of the following year – allowing us to finance in time our actions. - We have increased by 25% the number of organizations, companies and personalities who publicly support our periodical. Acquiring new supports is becoming easier thanks to the favorable reception of our actions.
- We published in 2018 and 2019 six periodicals with increased pagination (40 pages) and content, in several languages, diverse, structured and rich. Each periodical is printed in many copies and is distributed by email, social networks, web to over 4,000 people. We can improve the diffusion with the help of our public supports, even consider publishing on a quarterly basis.
- We have once again supported or organized meetings, debates and exhibitions throughout our mandate (see the 6 Bulletins produced in 2018 and 2019). So, we responded to the criticism that we were an active association only during the summer season. This has fueled the public debate and cultural life on the island, has increased our notoriety and the number of our members.
- We have popularized the archaeological heritage of Paros and developed important support for the renovation of the Apollo Temple in Despotiko. Significantly, our action involved the Greek or foreign inhabitants, whatever the differences of implication. The funds collected were used totally for what they were intended, without any levy for our operation.
This activity is publicly recognized in the national press (Kathimerini, Vima ,.). This recognition will help us greatly in all our other activities. - Despite the dispersal of our members, several working meetings were organized to feed the debate internally throughout the year. In the same way, several commissions work.
- We are positively recognized by the associative world of Paros and Antiparos with whom we have good relations, as we are recognized by the local authorities of Paros and Antiparos.
- Our action at Despotiko, the 2018 ceremony, allowed us to strengthen our presence in Antiparos. That is why the Board of Directors has endorsed the presidency’s proposal to become the association of the Friends of Paros and Antiparos, as these two islands constitute the same geographical, economic, human and cultural reality.
- The Presidency proposes its renewal, its reinforcement and the enlargement of the Administrative Council.
- Actions for 2019/2020 include:
- the continuation of cultural actions
- support for archeology
- holding a seminar on the ancient quarries
- holding a round table on health in Paros
- the organization of a round table on the cyclical economy in Paros
- the results of our Paros 2020 project and its revival
- finally, the distinction in August 2020 of Remy Lefur, who supported our activities in favor of archeology
- the request to the mayor to carry out a real consultation of the associative world, including the FoP, preceded if necessary of public debates, within the framework of the announced realization of a study on the type of desirable tourism in Paros.
See you soon
Yorgos Vlandas (President) – Tassos Zacharas (Secretary general) – Nicolas Stephanou (Vice-president) – Marouso Bourra (Vice-president)
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