The efforts to save and promote the ancient marble quarries in Marathi recently took a decisive turn with the establishment of a non-profit company: “Park of Ancient Marble Quarries of Paros”. This non-profit company (the legal status of which is known in Greece as ‘A.M.K.E.’) was created with the support of FoPA and five other associations of Paros. It aims to directly contribute to the implementation of the multiple actions required for the creation of the archaeological and cultural park of the ancient quarries in Marathi as well as to assist the Ministry of Culture and the Municipality of Paros in matters that fall within their exclusive competence. On 28.3.2022 the board of directors of the A.M.K.E. was formed with managing director the honorary president of the FoPA, Vlassis Sfyroeras. Its members include Anna Kagani, Mania Abatzi and Haris Martinos.
The A.M.K.E. is already leading the implementation of a first practical measure: the installation of information boards and direction signs, as well as clearing of the paths and generally tidying up of the archaeological site. A small task force has been working since the autumn on all the issues, from the texts to the construction and installation of the info boards that we aim to implement in June 2022. The design of the signage has been done pro bono by Mairina Mattheopoulou (see picture).
Our long-term vision is much more ambitious, to promote the unique monument of the ancient marble quarries of Paros as the next World Heritage Site. It is something that was expressed with convincing arguments by the internationally renowned branding expert, Peter Economides, who also contributes pro bono to the whole effort, in the presentation of the branding strategy for the park that he made in a recent online meeting (see pictures).
Admittedly, a lot needs to be done to create the archaeological-cultural park in Marathi. The success of this endeavour depends to a large extent on the voluntary contributions of all those who are willing to help practically with their enthusiasm, their knowledge or even with financial support. Their support is welcome and they can contact the coordinator of the initiative, Haris Martinos, for more information at arxlatomeia.paros@gmail.com.
Visit the website of the archaeological-cultural park.
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