Due to the continuous building on the island at high rates, the expansion of all related activities, the traffic/parking of numerous vehicles of all kinds, and an ever-increasing tourist flow, the island’s coastal ecosystems are being compressed, encroached upon, degraded, and shrinking at a rapid pace.
What are these coastal ecosystems?
Mainly wetlands and sand dunes with cedar species.
The WWF documented in detail the 10 wetlands of Paros, which were included in the maps of the Decree of the Government of Paros, Government Gazette 229/AAP/19-6-2012, and are included in the General Plan of Paros as S.P.A. (Special Protection Area) 2.
In December 2023 and January 2024, information signs were placed by the Municipality in all wetlands of Paros.
This was done after active citizens and association members had been asking for the placement of signs for 5 years and after the intervention of the Ombudsman, who had received the citizens’ requests.
The sand dunes with coastal cedar (Juniperus) species found on the beaches of Paros are a priority habitat (code 2250*) under the EU Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC), which means that they are at risk of extinction and the Member States have a particular responsibility for their conservation.
In Paros, there is no known record/documentation for the 2250* habitat, and from a relevant table for Greece, we see that such ecosystems have been recorded specifically for the Cyclades only in Milos, Kimolos – Polyaigos and Naxos.
The sand dunes with Cedar species in Paros are either located in NATURA 2000 areas (S.P.A.1), or within the boundaries of a wetland S.P.A.2), or within the boundaries of a settlement.

Particularly in the case of the Molos sand dunes, active citizens and members of associations in the area have also requested the installation of information signs to protect them as 2250* ecosystems. The first requests were submitted in April 2018, and the installation was finally completed in December 2023, again after the intervention of the CoR.
From now on and with a view to preserving the natural heritage of the island and avoiding its destruction, the following are proposed:
- To declare all wetlands of Paros as wildlife sanctuaries under Law 2637/1998, as coastal areas necessary for the feeding/overwintering/breeding of many species of wild avifauna, which are rare or endangered. To be included as S.P.A.3 in the new L.U.P. (Local Urban Plan).
- To remove any permanent or temporary structure existing within the boundaries of each wetland, boundaries clearly defined by law. Litter and debris shall also be removed. To release their beaches.
- To demarcate all wetlands with wooden stakes.
- To record/document and officially register all the dune ecosystems with cedar trees (ecosystem 2250*).
- Include the 2250* ecosystems in the new L.U.P. as S.P.A. 2 areas.
- As on other islands, all cedar dunes should be demarcated with wooden stakes.
- Establish a municipal body responsible for the management of coastal and terrestrial ecosystems that are at risk of extinction, for which the state has a special responsibility for conservation.
18 Απριλίου 2024
Michalis D. Kyriazanos – President of the Association of Molos Marmara “Agios Nikolaos”
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