We have shouted loud NO to that unbearable project of installing tens of wind turbines without any transparency and deliberation with the local authorities and citizens.
But the obligation to go towards an energy transition to renewables has not faded and if we don’t want to be imposed external investors’ projects, we have the obligation to develop our own vision for energy transition on Paros. We have been looking for good practices in other communities and have found 2 noteworthy projects in 2 neighbouring islands, Sifnos and Tilos.
- Sifnos is not connected to any grid and hosts one of those DEH’s diesel plants, very expensive and polluting to run. As soon as 2012 a group of Siphnians developed the idea of a citizens’ energy cooperative, which was established 1 year later. Currently, after having researched and deliberated with the local community various alternatives, they have settled for a very ambitious hybrid A wind-hydro power system aiming at powering the grid with 100% renewables. They are at the stage of getting the first licence from the regulatory authority (RAE) and of investigating financing opportunities.
find out more about the Sifnos Island Cooperative - Tilos is in much more mature stage to become the first Mediterranean Energy independent Island. Currently it’s connected to the Island of Kos, where one of those ugly oil stations is operating. Tilos is currently implementing in partnership with other Greek and European parties and within the framework of the EE program “Horizon 2020”, a program named TILOS that got the highest score between 80 other proposals. The program is aiming at the Island’s energy independence from fossil fuels through a hybrid system consisting in a small photovoltaic park, one wind turbine and a storage battery.
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