For a second year in a row the Friends of Paros carried out, with their own voluntary work and expenses, a survey of visitors to Paros in an effort to contribute to the development of quality tourism and the lengthening of the tourist period. This year’s survey was carried out from June to October 2013 and a total of 240 questionnaires were completed by visitors. The results show that the majority of respondents (60%) had visited Paros two or more times. These repeat visitors, who appreciate and love Paros, are the best ambassadors of Paros and their recommendations are of great significance. Preserving the Cycladic character of the island and maintaining good standards (clean beaches, good transport, etc) will keep them coming back. And this will have a multiplier effect since their opinion is the greatest influence on first time visitors’ decisions to come to Paros, since the main factors that influenced the decision of the first time visitors to come to Paros were “friends’ recommendation” (60%) and websites (26%). Click below for the full results.
Follow this link for the full results: friendsofparos.com/category/what-we-do/paros-2020-tourism-survey/paros-tourism-survey2013/
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