The proposal to improve the quality of everyday life on Paros includes a set of small-scale interventions in order to improve the daily life, not only for tourists during the summer months, but also for the local population throughout the year.
The cost of the action may be covered from the budgets of the Municipality and probably that of the Region, with a contribution from EU funds. The activities of the action would be implemented by the technical services of the Municipality of Paros (and the Region), organizations and local associations.
The focus areas, covering both the natural and urban environment, include the creation of additional parking spaces, signalling critical pedestrian crossings, construction of new side-walks where bottlenecks are observed and the improvement of the management of communal garbage bins (their positioning and integration in the neighbourhoods). The proposed actions also cover a “interconnection” of the history of our island with tourism through a better signalling of the sites, roads and museums concerned, improvement and
maintenance of footpaths and development of dedicated bike paths.
The implementation of this proposal should contribute to strengthening the competitive advantage of the Paros image, the preservation of its
Cycladic character, thus extending the season and increasing
economic resources and income.
Stelios Christopoulos
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