The Artistic Journeys in Paros are organized by KDEPAP and the «Friends of Paros» since 2012.
This proposal suggests some changes in the way they are organized in order to become more attractive for the artists and the public and thus contribute to increase the artistic profile of Paros and Antiparos. For instance:
- In 2017 the Artistic Journeys will be held on specific dates. We suggest two weekends of the end of September and and beginning of October 2017.
- During the Artistic Journeys the artists must prepare and organise their atelier for the likely coming of the public and be present in their studios the fixed days from 17.00 to 21.00pm.
- All artists working on the island may participate. However only artists who have an artistic pro ject to show and have previously exhibited their works in a public place may join.
- All kind of art may participate: painting, sculpture, photography and video. It doesn’t seem appropriate to create an artistic committee for the selection of the participating artists. However there is concern about the possibility for talented craftsmen to participate. We suggest a small committee of maximum two persons to decide on less clear artistic profiles.
- Early 2017 with the help of KDEPAP, and other associations an e-mail message will be sent to all known artists of the island to express their interest. There is an available list of artists with KDEPAP with around 50 names of artists, which is already a good starting point.
- Each artist has to provide a brief biography, 3 photos representing their work and a detailed plan that shows exactly the place where their studio is located.
- The artists may donate a piece of their work which will be exposed during the 2017 Artistic Journeys in Dimitrakopoulos building, and which will be sold later for charity purposes. It is suggested that these pieces are relatively small not exceeding 2000cm2 for paintings or photographs and less than 16dm3 for sculptures.
- The official opening of the 2017 Artistic Journeys will be held on Friday September 22 at 18.00 in the building Dimitrakopoulos. The public will thus have a first contact with the works of participating artists and may get a detailed plan with the exact point of all studios.
- The closure of the 2017 Artistic Journeys will take place Sunday, October 1 at 21.00 also in building Dimitrakopoulos. The closure of the 2017 Artistic Journeys will be a special event with a public auction of all exposed works (after agreement of their creators) and all incomes will be used for charity purposes.
- It would be useful as long as resources are available to create a brochure with the participating artists. Divided by regions (Paroikia, Naoussa, Lefkes, Marpissa, Aliki, Antiparos) each artist will have one page with a picture of their work (or of their atelier), a brief biography and a detailed plan how to get there. This may be available for selling at a modest price (5euros/piece).
- In addition a dedicated blog and a Facebook page “2017 ARTISTIC JOURNEYS IN PAROS AND ANTIPAROS” will be created. If a paper brochure is not available an electronic brochure will be prepared.
- One of the problems facing the public is how exactly locate the artists’ studios in particular when they are in the countryside. A detailed map, full indications and the telephone number of the artist may help but may not be sufficient. It could be useful to have a specific sign (such us stickers with the logo of 2017 Artistic Journeys or colored flags) for pointing the direction of the studios.
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