Στις 26 Οκτωβρίου 2014 οι ΦτΠ συνδιοργάνωσαν με την ΚΔΕΠΑΠ ομιλία του συγγραφέα και οικονομολόγου Αρίστου Δοξιάδη για το βιβλίο του «Το Αόρατο Ρήγμα» και την πραγματική ελληνική οικονομία στο Δημοτικό Χώρο Τεχνών, Παλαιά Αγορά Παροικίας
Friends of Paros & Antiparos Φίλοι της Πάρου & Αντιπάρου Amis de Paros & Antiparos
Sustainable development for Paros & Antiparos Islands
, by FoPA No Comments
The e-bulletin of the Friends of Paros, in addition to announcements and news about the FoP’s activities, is a collection of all-types of articles about Paros.
It is aiming to share views, impressions, positions and proposals to an enlarged audience and to initiate a useful public debate around the many issues encountered on Paros.
You are encouraged to comment on articles and also to contribute with your own, a selection of which will be included in the printed version of the Bulletin of the FoP.
English, Greek and/or French is used and we have chosen not to have separate language versions to express our support for multiculturalism.
To become a contributor you need to register to the website.
Authors of existing articles can also register and acquire ownership of their articles for edits or improvements.
We would love to have your feedback and suggestions about the website!
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